the-eleventh-blog: empressfalalalala: jaygabler: I had to...
the-eleventh-blog:empressfalalalala:jaygabler:I had to Google this. Worth it.good lord there are three fics about this commercial on AO3
View Articleallthestoriessaretrue: ur not a true fan unless you hang from the ceiling and...
allthestoriessaretrue:ur not a true fan unless you hang from the ceiling and spin around in circles, providing cool air for everyone around you
View Articlenimrochan: jetkitty: Nimrochan, isn’t this what we used to say...
nimrochan:jetkitty:Nimrochan, isn’t this what we used to say all the time in high school?Haha yes. Yes it is. Cartoon Network has to pay me $10 every time it airs this episode.Then you can afford to...
View Articlejmantonoff: brideofrankenwhale: #this is the most realistic...
jmantonoff:brideofrankenwhale:#this is the most realistic portrayal of what would happen if you were to randomly burst into song And this is why I love Enchanted. It’s like a Disney movie and a Disney...
View Articlescuzzmutt: gyzym: YOU’RE WELCOME, TUMBLR SCREAMS HAPPILY
View ArticleApparently there’s now a Muslim network channel available on tv. My...
Apparently there’s now a Muslim network channel available on tv. My father’s tv hasn’t changed from it since yesterday. I can hear it through the wall and through the air vent. Every so often they play...
View ArticleSunrise is trying to ban food trucks because they “hurt local...
Sunrise is trying to ban food trucks because they “hurt local businesses.” THEY ARE LOCAL BUSINESSES! Wtf Sunrise! DON’T MESS WITH MY HIPPOPS OR MY BEST FRENCH FRIES!
View ArticleDid you hear about the controversial race-based standards established in...
Did you hear about the controversial race-based standards established in Virginia for reading and math? Check out this article.: Oh hey look, Florida isn’t the only backwards state doing this.
View Articledoctorwho: Top secret Doctor Who script found (and returned) by...
doctorwho:Top secret Doctor Who script found (and returned) by student in taxi on night outIf you found a top secret script for a new episode of one of TV’s most popular shows, would you be able to...
View Articlepajamaswag: I’ve only seen the first like thirteen episodes of...
pajamaswag:I’ve only seen the first like thirteen episodes of this show.Omg Kero is a beast.
View Articlethebluthcompany: How to do the Bluth’s Chicken Dance.
thebluthcompany:How to do the Bluth’s Chicken Dance.
View Articlecommunitynbc: We sewed your butt to your chest!
communitynbc:We sewed your butt to your chest!
View Articlesassyduck: jenster21: rhiannonloveisnotarobot: the-bitch-of-ba...
sassyduck:jenster21:rhiannonloveisnotarobot:the-bitch-of-bag-end:valerieteacup:Wine ice cream. 5% alcohol. This will revolutionize break-ups and girls’ nights.Oh my godThis is what I need for finals...
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nimrochan:jetkitty:These 3 days, 18 hours, and 18 minutes aren’t going by fast enoughyou literally made me start crying
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nimrochan:jetkitty:nimrochan:jetkitty:These 3 days, 18 hours, and 18 minutes aren’t going by fast enoughyou literally made me start cryingDON’T CRY LOOK AT THESE PUPPIESPUPPIES! Maybe I should go watch...
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